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Scallywag A Thon TBR

What's better than pirates? Space pirates. And what's better than space pirates? Clearly Scallywag A Thon, a pirate themed readathon that is based on space pirates this year. I just found out about it last week, but Scallywag A Thon starts tomorrow and runs May 5-12. There are multiple paths to take along the map to find where X marks the treasure. In order to make it to the X, there are at least four challenges to complete. You can check out the map here if you are interested in joining me in this quest! This was my first readathon making a bullet journal spread for. I'm actually considering making a post about my starting to bullet journal, but I thought it was fun to create a spread for this readathon, despite my lackluster artistic abilities. Fair warning, I do have problems sticking to a TBR, so this is likely to not end up being what I actually read during the readathon. I definitely have mood reading tendencies. For my starting point, I chose the nu...
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Awesome Books out of my Comfort Zone

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The Okay Witch Review

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The Avant Guards Review

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August Six Degrees

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Unique Settings

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