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July and the Alphabethon TBR

It's finally July 1st (I started writing this at 12:04 AM so...) and that means many things. One of those such things is pretty obvious from the title of this blogpost- alphabethon just started. But July is so much more than that. July also includes:
  • Camp Nanowrimo! Yes, I'm participating in that too, even though July is one of the busiest months of the year for me. I don't expect to do so well on that, but hey, at least I finally got back to this blog.
  • My birthday! Which, does not actually say much. I'm turning 19 in five days and don't want a party, not even for family. I don't even want gifts really.
  • My last fair. The 4H part of my life was a big deal, and it is going to be all over after this month. That's a little depressing.
  • Today is also going to be the third consectuitive day in the 90s. We are supposed to get to at least eight. While this might not seem like that big a deal, I hate the heat and am convinced that I am going to melt.
I took a month off from all of this blogging stuff, and yet, here I am. Back. I'm pretty sure that that is against the norm.

But alphabethon. I am actually pretty sad that I didn't discover any of the weeklong readathons throughout the year, but at least I caught on in time to be able to do this month-long monster, even if it is in my busiest month of the year with Camp Nanowrimo occurring simultaneously.

Needless to say, I am not particularly confident in my ability to succeed in either of these events

For those of you who have never heard of alphabethon, this month long readathon's goal is, starting at A, read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet. And if it starts with "The", then the book title starts with a T.  Twenty six books in thirty one days. I'll have to wait and see how it goes.

I was inspired in how to make my TBR for this by my bookshelf organizing. Not including the entire Pretty Little Liars series or Game of Thrones series, I own three full shelves of books that I have never read. So going through those on June 30, I found most of the alphabet before going to the library to search for the rest of the letters.

Side note, I  love searching the YA shelves at my library for something rea
lly specific for a readathon prompt. I think about these books in a different way and discover books that I doubt that I would have picked up otherwise.

I am still missing the letters X, Y, and Z. However, I find it incredibly unlikely that I will be able to get through twenty three books and need the twenty fourth. If, by some off chance, I do, then I'll get it.

But, finally, without any more further ado, here is my TBR for alphabethon!

A- Are You Still There? by Sarah Lynn Scheerger
B- Bright Lights, Dark Nights by Stephen Emond
C- Cameron: The Sorority by Wendy Corsi Staub
D- Dog Tag Summer by Elizabeth Partridge
E- Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger
F- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

G- Grandmaster by David Klass
H- Homicidal Aliens & Other Disappointments by Brian Yansky
I- In the Shadow of the Dragon King by J. Keller Ford
J- Jet Black and the Ninja Wind by Leza Lowitz and Shogo
K- Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan
L- Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry

M- Money Run by Jack Heath
N- Nemesis by Anna Banks
O- Other Broken Things by C. Desir
P- Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Q- Quit It by Marcia Byalick
R- Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan
S- Somebody Up There Hates You by Hollis Seamon
T- The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan
U- Unearthly Things by Michelle Gagnon
V- Vendetta by Catherine Doyle
W- Watch Me by Lauren Barnholdt

And that's it! Is anyone else participating in alphabethon? Let me know how you managed to sort out a TBR out of all of these books.


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