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Audiobook List With Recommendations

It's Top Ten Tuesday! I have never actually done a freebie prompt before, and for audio freebie, I wasn't quite sure how to go from there so I decided to go with audiobooks, both some of my favorites that I remember and what I currently have to listen to next on audible.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

I love audiobooks. Most of the time now, I listen while cleaning/packing and during my over five hour drive to my parents. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to having a longer commute for an excuse to listen to them even more. So here are some of my audiobooks, both favorites and on my tbr.

1. The Dog Who Had Kittens

This is a weird one to include but when I was little we would get the cassette tape and book from the library all the time and listen to it while following along. This is one of the picture books that makes up my childhood and the first one I can remember. (I feel like I should do a post on books of my childhood now) Really cute story and seriously, the voices on the audio were amazing. I feel old that it was a cassette tape but I imagine that this will make some people feel even older.

2. The Sisters Grimm

The first time I was introduced to this series was through a CD of The Fairy Tale Detectives on a car trip. Probably going on vacation, but I don't remember where we were going or if my dad was there. I know I was about 8. I have since read the first four books a gazillion times (book 4 is my favorite) but I love remembering this family experience with my mom and my older sister the first time.

3. Bloody Jack

Definitely listen to these books! Or just read it. I love this series and it's probably my favorite historical fiction. Pirates. Literally, do I need anything else? The first book is really awesome and just about Jacky, a girl disguising as a boy to join the Navy. Most of the books are about boats and ships but even the ones that aren't are really cool because of this strong and different main character. Some period-typical homophobia though, particularly when a boy falls in love with Jacky thinking she's a guy and later in the series with a canically gay character. I love this series so freaking much and definitely recommend reading it.

4. The Princess Diaries

Need to get some books read? I've been listening to this series on 1.3 speed because I can't listen fast but if you are, then you could probably speed this up even more. I find these books adorable and while Mia definitely gets annoying at times, I find it an easy listen, particularly to turn on when cleaning or whatever. I have never watched the movies and have no plans to.

5. Percy Jackson

On one hand, I love the narrator's voice for Percy and I love listening to books I have read a gazillion times (see the next few books). On the other hand, every single time I forget how racist the voices are. Particularly Annabeth's stepmom and Ethan Nakamora. Also, I will never listen to The Last Olympian again because why does everyone not have American accents? Literally, why? This takes place in America with American demigods that grew up in America and therefore have some sort of American accent.

6. Harry Potter

Another favorite of mine. I haven't listened to this one in a while but it was one of the books in middle school and early high school that I probably listened to far too many times. I actually read about Harry's 11th birthday on my 11th birthday for the first time with my uncle. If I recall, the voice on this one is very interesting.

7. Hunger Games

Can you see this trend on my list? One of the books I listened to a lot after physically reading it far too many times. The boy with the bad leg from District 10 is my favorite character, not only because he survives so long but also because for me it helped symbolize the corruption of the Capitol. I literally can't think of what the narrator sounds like right now, so it's not a bad voice but probably not phenomenal either.

8. The Kane Chronicles

This book technically is an audio recording from the siblings and it's super fun to listen to like this. Making this list actually makes it likely that these will make it onto my tbr soon because I loved listening to these books when I was younger. The voices for Carter and Sadie are pretty cool and it's Rick Riordan books so clearly worth a read.

9. Welcome to Temptation

This is the next audiobook I plan on listening to. This is my mom's favorite book and she wants me to read it. We've read parts together (well, I read it to her while she was in the hospital last spring) and it's amusing for sure. Also pretty sure my mom and I have more similar tastes in books than my mom and my sister. I'm actually using this for the OWLs Readathon, of which my TBR post will be up later this week.

10. Love, Hate, and Other Filters

Another audiobook I have from Audible that is on my tbr for relatively soon. I have heard some phenomenal things about this book and I can't wait to read it. I have no idea whether or not the audiobook is particularly good. I kind of just picked it up on a whim but I can't wait to get into it soon.

So these are my top ten! Top ten what I'm not quite sure. Audiobooks. some of which I listened to and some of which I haven't. I feel like I've gone full circle with these audiobooks. I seriously love audiobooks and they absolutely count as reading. If you participated in the prompt, then which direction did you end up going with this freebie?

Thanks for reading!


  1. The Sisters Grimm looks like such a good story. (or collection of stories, rather!)

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. It gets a little weird near in the last few books but I absolutely adore the beginning of the series.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Such a good selection! And a lot of my original favourites in terms of throwback reads. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Original favs are the best for audiobooks because I've read it so many times that if I lose focus I already know what happens and I get to reread it while still reading newer books.

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Audiobooks are just fantastic and sometimes its so much easier to listen to an audiobook, like after a long day when your eyes hurt but you want to read.

    Thanks for commenting!

  4. I listened to some of the Magnus Chase books on audiobook and they were awesome. :)
    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. My sister keeps telling me to listen to them but the narrator threw me off since it's the same as the Percy Jackson one. Maybe at some point I will.

      Thanks for commenting!


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