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Characters I Relate To

I'm finally off hiatus and back to Top Ten Tuesday! This week's prompt is characters that remind me of myself.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This is not a completely straightforward prompt for me, since I find myself in small ways in most characters. While I cannot come up with characters that I feel like I completely relate to, I tried to find the top ten characters that I relate the most with, particularly in my first experience of reading the particular book that the character is from.

1. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Honestly, this is the character who I wanted to be when I was younger and I love her so much. I literally thought about being her for Halloween one year. Smart with major focusing issues? That is seriously all that I do. Also design is super cool, and well I don't pretend to be as good as Annabeth, I still find this type of thinking interesting. I'm not good at drawing, but my minor skills I can do is in design types of things.

2. Jordyn Michaelson from How to Say I Love You Out Loud

Most of the characteristics don't line up, and it's really weird to say that she reminds me of myself, but her behaviors do with when she speaks up while trying to stay silent most of the time, afraid of what else may end up happening.. The fear of speaking up and always feeling like I'm making the wrong choices? This is seriously just what I feel like all the time. I'm a very private person as well, and like how Jordyn does in the book, I have been working on trying to stop being so private, but I definitely struggle.

3. Claire from Just for Clicks

This is another just really strong piece of me that I am really able to relate to. I love trying to do all this formatting stuff and like Claire, I really want to keep my family happy and try not to upset my mom or sister, just like her in the begin of the novel. Instead, just trying to remain unseen and not known for anything negative. This sense of trying to avoid conflict when it seems to spring up everywhere just seems like such a major part of my life right now. You can check out my review of this amazing book here.

4. Tess in The Next to Last Mistake

A girl from a farm in the Midwest that moves to the South? This is literally the story of my life right now. Born and raised in the Midwest, helping at my grandparent's farm, and now I'm going to college in the South. I experienced so much of this just complete culture shock and it was really awesome to read about a character with a similar background as myself. I also loved this book and you can check out my review here.

5. Mare in Of Fire and Stars

Wanting to just heck off, play with animals, and not have to deal with the politics of a sibling and parents? Seriously, just count me in. Also, ending up with a really cute small girl? That would be amazing. She doesn't want to have to deal with politics, and I can definitely respect that. I'm actually about to reread this book in early anticipation of the sequel coming out. (If anyone happens to have an ARC of Of Ice and Shadows that they don't want to keep please message me I want to read it so bad).

Okay, so I could only come up with five solid choices. The most interesting thing is that most of my connections occur at the beginning, before the characters grow and develop. I guess that I still have a lot to do, but it's still interesting. This entire post also turned out a lot more personal than I had initially been expecting.

I'm back at top ten Tuesdays after my brief hiatus and can't wait to see what the upcoming months have in store.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really had a hard time this week because I love characters as they are written but they are obviously not as complex as a real person (me) Characters like me, a bit

    1. Yeah it was definitely an interesting prompt. I kept on getting frustrated with the characters I was coming up with when brainstorming for similar reasons. Also, a lot of characters I see myself in one or two traits but definitely not the whole character.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. This was a pretty personal week. I like hearing your story about how you're a bit like Tessa. It's cool when we read about characters with similar backgrounds to us.

  3. Great list and I agree with Mare. I wouldn't be with horses really but make it dogs and I'm gone LOL

  4. It's always interesting to read about characters who move to a total different culture. I mentioned something similar in my list this week, too. Do you still live in the south?

    My TTT.

  5. I love Annabeth, but I'm not sure how much like her I am, aside from a shared love of reading!
    My TTT:

  6. This week's topic was challenging! My fellow reviewer Astible put together our list. Here is her Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. Great list! This topic was definitely a lot more challenging than the previous ones. I know I struggled quite a bit to get my list done.

    Here's my TTT!

  8. Annabeth is a great character. ;)

    Lauren @ Always Me


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