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Page to Screen Adaptations

It's another Top Ten Tuesday Post!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

I actually have an old post about adaptations here that you can check out, but for this freebie, I honestly ended up going really free on my list. Some of these following works, I have read and watched. Some I've only read. Some I've only watched and have been too afraid of expectations to start the book. So let's get into it now!

1. The Sun is Also A Star

This movie comes out this weekend and honestly, I am just so freaking excited for it. I adored the book so much and definitely would recommend it to anyone and everyone. I'm not going to reread it before I see the movie or else I'll end up judging the movie mostly on differences from the book, but a reread is definitely in order at some point in the near future.

2. The Hunger Games

I was in middle school when the trilogy and the first two movies were the hot stuff. Honestly, I was a little disappointed in the movies because they did not have as strong a message as the books did, especially criticizing the Capitol. It really seemed to completely miss this and instead turn it all into a love triangle, when there was so much more going on in the books.

3.  The Fault in Our Stars

I'm going to be real. I think this is the worst John Green book and definitely the most overrated. The adaptation was alright, but it totally missed Isaac, his brother, and the blind video games, which was my favorite parts of the book. I actually saw it twice- once with my sister and once with my friends- and did not cry either time. Now, I would love to see a Will Grayson, Will Grayson movie which is my favorite John Green work.

4. To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Both the book and the movie are amazing romcoms and I definitely would recommend both of them, particularly if you try to keep the two as separate entities. For me, the only issue I had was the age of Kitty because I definitely prefer her more as a younger girl. I am such a John Ambrose McClaren fan in the books and I can't wait to see him in the new movie!

5. The Hate U Give

I keep on putting off reading the book but my experience when I finally saw the movie was amazing. I saw it at my school and I was one of three white people in the theaters and seeing what the other people knew about their rights was as shocking as the movie itself. I don't remember a lot of the beginning of the movie though because this movie was when I discovered a couple of triggers from a death of a friend a few months before.

6. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

This title is the best one, way better than Love, Simon. Honestly, the movie felt really aimed at people who hadn't read the book with how much of the mystery that was being presented. Also, Simon's family in the book was so much better. The movie was still amazing though and had some slightly different but still really important messages. My sister cried during the movie and I cried during the book.

7. Snowpiercer

I actually had to read this graphic novel for my Foreign Literature in Translation class but oh my gosh I loved it so much that I cried when I got a perfect score on that essay because I wanted to write more about this amazing book. I'm definitely going to read the other two books. There's a movie out with Chris Evans based on the third book and a tv show coming out this fall. I think that the plots are really different, but the world created in the novel is just so amazing that I'm looking forward to trying out this show and movie.

8. Divergent

The scary thing about Divergent is that I swear I went and saw the movie but I literally can't remember any of it. This was just one of the fads of my middle school years, but I just can't remember anything else about it. Insurgent was honestly my favorite book of the trilogy, but Allegiant just kind of sucked because of the awful pov voices and plotline. Seriously though, why can't I remember the movie?

9. Dumplin

Okay, so I still haven't read the book but this movie was just so good and I hear that the book is just as amazing. There is just so much positivity and support that comes out of this movie. Hannah is honestly my hero and I love her so much. The messages from this movie are just absolutely fantastic. I definitely need to check out the book soon.

10. Artemis Fowl

I literally just found out that there's a movie coming out based off of these books later this year and I definitely consider whether or not I want to go watch it. This series was one of the ones that I enjoyed in middle school that wasn't the "cool" ones in my class to enjoy. The series does ge a little weird in later books, but I definitely would recommend checking them out, and maybe the movie as well.

So here is my view on ten different page to screen adaptations! I thought that I was going to struggle coming up with enough but I even had more than ten when I was brainstorming for this post. I definitely enjoyed a lot of the movies above that I've watched.

Be sure to let me know your recommendations based on pages!

Thanks for reading,


  1. I'm glad you liked the film version of Dumplin! I still need to read the book for that one before watching the movie. :)

    My TTT.

    1. Yeah I procrastinate books so much that while I definitely need to read the book as well, it was just best for me to get the book read.

      Thanks for reading!


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