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Ten Years of Favorite Books

Welcome to this week's Top Ten Tuesday! This week, the topic is favorite books from the last ten years, including one from each year. This is a really cool idea, though it was interesting to see which years I struggled to come up with books for, since I did grow up significantly during this timeframe as I'm only nineteen now. So let's get started!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

2019: Just for Clicks

This book really fits in a modern day and I loved reading it so much. You can check out my book review here, but there were twists that were just foreshadowed enough to be a shock and still make sense.

2018: The Astonishing Color of After

There is so much going on inside this story and I loved every single bit of it, especially as realities twisted and bits of the past were discovered in this exploration of culture and family. It is a little bit of a longer book, but is definitely worth the time to read it.

2017: They Both Die At The End

This book destroyed me in so many ways, even though I knew from the title that Mateo and Rufus died. I still cried while reading it and this book was very clearly the one for me to pick for this year. I adored it so much and couldn't put it down.

2016: A Study In Charlotte

Looking through my goodreads, there wasn't anything particularly that stuck out as amazing, but I still really enjoyed this book. I'm about to read the sequel and I am so ready and underprepared. Still, I am looking forward to continuing in this world created and I loved the reread, so this book comes to the top here.

2015: How to Say I Love You Out Loud

This was my favorite book for a while. I'm not going to say that it is the best book ever, but it is still a really fun read and certain parts of it hit me really hard, especially the ideas of not wanting to stick out and that sense of fear.

2014: To All the Boys I've Loved Before

This book is so cute and relatable, and there are honestly just so many other things going on, particularly with the culture and family situation and all the changes that Lara Jean has to face in her world. The movie is just amazing as well, just in very different ways.

2013: The Hero's Guide to Storming Your Castle

I enjoy this book and the first one in very different ways. There are so many more characters in this one, but it was one of the last middle grade books that I read for a few years. I don't like the third book in the trilogy though.

2012: The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom

I love this book so much and am attached to all of these princes. It's a really great middle grade book and honestly amazing in some of the relationships, especially Frederic and Gustav.

2011: Catching Jordan

This is one of my favorite young adult romances. It's really fun and I love the sports parts and how Jordan is friends with the guys and struggles in her female relationships, which was honestly me in high school.

2010: Kane Chronicles The Red Pyramid

The Kane Chronicles are so amazing to listen to or read. The sibling dynamic is amazing and I learned a ton about Egyptian mythology. While different from the Percy Jackson books, I really love these books as well and seriously need to reread these books soon, maybe in time for the Biblio Games in June.

So that's my top ten books from the past ten years. I would recommend all of these books for you to read, especially if you love reading young adult or middle grade.

Thanks for reading and let me know your favorite books as well!


  1. To All the Boys I've Loved Before sounds like such a good read. I need to check it out sometime.

    My TTT.

    1. I really enjoyed it. The sequel was great too, but I didn't like the third book as much.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. The Astonishing Color of After was a beautiful book. So good.

    1. Yeah, it really was. Not exactly what I was expecting out of it, but it was still really cool and amazing to read.

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. The Astonishing Color of After is such a great choice! 2018 was just chock full of really good books, and it was so hard choosing just one. I really need to read They Both Die at the End!

    Here's my TTT post.

    1. There really were a bunch, but I'm just getting to some of them now which made it easier to pick one. And you definitely should read They Both Die at the End.

      Thanks for commenting!


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