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All the Worlds Between Us Review

All the Worlds Between UsTitle: All the Worlds Between Us
Author: Morgan Lee Miller
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, LGBTQ
Trigger Warning: Bullying, Homophobia, Language/Slurs, Sexual Scenarios
Rating: 3 stars
Release Date: May 14, 2019


Seventeen-year-old Quinn Hughes needs to be in top shape if she wants to medal at the swimming World Championships in ten months. This means no easy distractions, no matter how pretty they are. She’s still piecing her confidence back together after not qualifying for the Olympics, her relationship with her twin brother is getting worse the more he hangs out with the popular kids, and then Kennedy Reed suddenly squeezes herself back into Quinn’s life. The girl who was her best friend. The girl who gave Quinn her first kiss. The girl who hasn’t spoken to her since. Soon, Quinn finds herself juggling her new girlfriend, training for the biggest competition of her life, and discovering she’s not the only Hughes twin with a crush on Kennedy Reed. All these distractions are getting to her, and if she wants that medal she needs to find a way to stop drowning on dry land.


A special thank you to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for providing a free advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

YA romance novels about swimmers are one of my soft spots. Once I saw that this book was about a lesbian trying to qualify for the Olympics? I was sold. The relationship of Quinn and her brother reminded me a lot of myself and my sister. This was definitely one of the best parts of the book. I also liked a lot of the friends and the typical story of senior year and all of the struggles that come with that.

However, this book just didn't come through for me. I loved the representation and the friendships, but this book was long and slow paced because it just didn't have enough substance to it. Besides the romance plot and the swimming stuff, both of which were really well done, there just wasn't enough going on. There was a lot of standing time. I would have enjoyed this book so much more if it was shorter or had more subplots that I cared about. It just felt very flat and went on for far too long.

I just didn't like Quinn either. I'm not quite sure what exactly it was about her but it didn't make sense how she always played the victim but she was then just so abrasive to anyone who for some reason liked her. I didn't mind a lot of it, but she was really awful to people who just wanted to support her. She refused to take any responsible for herself.

It's a simple enough romance novel, but I just couldn't get into it. The representation was amazing and the swimming background was great but unfortunately, the book was just far too long and slow without enough to fill that space.

Have you read any books recently that disappointed you? Did anyone have a different interpretation of this book? Be sure to let me know in the comments. I hate to start pride month out on such a sour note about a LGBTQ book, but it is what it is.

Thanks for reading!


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