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Childhood Favorite Series

It's time for another week of Top Ten Tuesday! This week's prompt was childhood favorites, and it was a really fun list to write as I walked back through memory lane. I was only able to narrow it down to eleven, but all of these are great books, especially for kids but also I know that I want to reread now. I read all of these in elementary school and would like to thank the public library that let me read so many of these great series. So let's get started!
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

  1. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan- Honestly, I cannot count how many times I actually managed to read this, especially the first time. I remember the first time I read The Battle of the Labyrinth on the way back from a trip from my dad, and I just love all of this honestly just so freaking much. I also feel incredibly bad for all of the Rick Riordan books that are on my tbr but I haven't gotten to yet. (particularly The Blood of Olympus and Magnus Chase)
  2. Oz by L. Frank Baum- My uncle gave his childhood set of all the books to my sister and I when we were little and there are just so many cool and amazing things in these books. I cannot recommend the entire series by Baum enough. The typical story does not do all of the worldbuilding justice and there are so many amazing characters in later books.
  3. Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley- I love fractured fairy tales and part of that may be due to these books. I really need to reread them, but I read them over and over again when I was in late elementary school. Also, all of the references to the original tale are always really fun to search for.
  4. Sisters Eight by Lauren Baratz-Logsted- This series is about eight year old octuplets discovering their superpowers and trying to solve the mystery of where their parents are. It's such a cute idea and these books are light and fluffy to read.
  5. Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner- There were over 120 of these books when I stopped reading them, and while this isn't a series I would choose to read right now, it is definitely a significant part of my childhood reading. Also, it was really fun that I could tell which books were by different authors and even though I didn't know their names, my favorite wrote the 50s and 60s.
  6. 39 Clues by various authors- This book was the stuff my fifth grade year and everyone was reading it. The first series is awesome and I learned a ton of cool stuff about other countries. Honestly, I would like to catch up but I have no idea what is going on and honestly, up until the point I was at in the second series was kind of darker than I expected based on the first ten.
  7. Fairy Realm by Emily Rodda- These books are on my younger side of the favorites of this list, but they are really cute and I continuously read them during some rough reading years due to pressures at school. So much cuteness and I haven't read them in forever but I seriously feel like I need to be able to do this soon.
  8. How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell- These books are kind of "found" and have really cute pictures for middle grade. I love this series so much and honestly it makes me super sad that the movies have the same name and character names because they completely changed so much they should have just left this amazing series alone. Also, it has "found" journal entries, sketches, etc. and it's kind of an insult that there's an audiobook. Please don't talk about the movie to me.
  9. Camp Confidential by Melissa J. Morgan- Chronologically, this is probably my "last" favorite childhood series. I think I read all of them the summer before fifth grade and are a great introduction to the romance contemporary genre. I would not mind rereading these, but they are super cute and all about friendship and secrets and being accepted. Definitely a positive message. Also, I'm going to read all of these again before I head back to school because ahhhh.
  10. Geronimo Stilton- This series is amazing for reluctant readers because it has a graphic novel feel, is hilarious, and is a little more "grown up" while still a fairly easy read. Also, at least the ones that came out when I was a kid were absolutely amazing. Not sure about the newer ones though.
  11. Warriors by Erin Hunter- My sister owns so many of the books that came out while we were still little, and we read so many of them. Also, the switch game Cattails is literally for young and new adults who grew up loving the series. Cats are amazing and these cats are particularly awesome.

I do find it cool that all of these are series that had an effect on me. I also can see how some of them influence my reading choices now, which is both really weird and really cool.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Did you read any of these, either growing up or closer to now? Are you planning on reading any of them now?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Aww @ The Boxcar Children. I dropped out around #50 -- I aged out quickly and I had too many other books I was also reading -- so that's an impressive amount!

    I've never heard of Fairy Realm but that does look super cute. I bet I'd have loved it as a kid too.

  2. Wow, I had no idea there were so many Boxcar Children books. I think I read the first few of them?!

    My TTT.

  3. I really need to read the Percy Jackson books sometime.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. I loved Geronimo Stilton but my kids got tired of having to have so many phrases explained! I thought it was hysterical.

  5. I only recently discovered that How to Train Your Dragon is based on books. I loved those movies, so I need to check that out.
    My TTT:

  6. Great list. I didn't read series when I was young all that much. I was (and still am) more of a stand-alone girl!


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